Tweet! News, news and more news! While I was writing my last post a couple news worthy things have happened - woot! We started making teethers. It took a chunk of my time research safe woods, and child safe finishes but the results were worth it. My husband and I really wanted the teethers to be 100% child safe and natural. No mineral oils, curing. We got it! Our teethers are chemical and toxin-free! It's locally grown and responsibly forested Canadian maple. Hand sanded and finished with a baby safe unscented beeswax polish (ingredients are: beeswax, olive oil, carnauba wax). That's it. No other finishes are applied. To the left is a picture of one of them (the birdie is my favourite, but we have designed others and more to come).
What is even more important is to be completely honest about what our ingredients are. It sounds cliche, but as a parent I understand being frustrated wondering if one of the products I'm using is going to be involved in some recall or to find out later that there was a chemical added to the toy that actually made it unsafe (BPA, etc). Saying it's safe is one thing and but telling the ingredients that are applied is better.
You have a great blog. Following you via MBC. Hope you'll do the same. Looking fwd to seeing you at My Dream Canvas.